Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Shella Block Congress – No democracy this!


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Apropos the results declared by the Shella Block Congress Committee on the January 7, 2012, (the winner being the President of the Block) on the election conducted at all polling booth levels of the Block as directed by the Meghalaya Pradesh Congress Committee, the whole electoral process needs introspection by the top hierarchy of the party.

Firstly, the MPCC directed the Block to conduct elections at various Booth levels without proper electoral guidelines confusing the electors of the party in all the polling booths. Without proper electoral guidelines the Block (SBCC) formed an Election Committee (EC) with processes and methods similar to the Election Commission of India. Kudos to the members of the Executive Committee of SBCC! The EC set the ball rolling by inviting applications from prospective aspirants (Application fee Rs 30,000), scrutinizing the applications and finally approving the final list of candidates. Then began the election campaign of the candidates in each and every polling booth seeking for support to win the election and claim the party ticket for the 2013 polls. What was perceived as a mechanism to strengthen the party and allow the democratic process of candidate selection by voting of primary members turned out to be a cashing the cow experience by the voters. During the campaign it is sad to note that it was money that was victorious and the line of victory and defeat already drawn as predicted by the electors.

Secondly, as per directions only the primary members registered with the party and having their names listed in the electoral roll can vote for their respective candidates. However, it is to be noted that in the year 2010 the enrolment drive to enrol 25 members was carried out at the booth level with the sole purpose to elect new office bearers of the party and not for the election of candidates for 2013 polls. During the enrolment drive in 2010, it was observed that a large number of senior leaders and supporters, some of them octogenarians of the party were not enrolled as full-fledged members and thereby denied the right to elect their candidate for the party ticket to the 2013 LA polls. It is indeed hilarious to note that while examining the results declared most of the polling booths accounted for more than 25 voters which raises the question as to why most party workers were excluded at most booths during the membership drive.

The Congress party in Shella constituency has more than 4000 votes but only 1039 members voted for the party ticket candidate. This is biased and unfair as the majority of the supporters could not vote. The million dollar question is why were the large numbers of party workers not enrolled?

Further, there are altogether 38 polling booths in Shella Block Congress Committee but only 28 Polling Booths were able to exercise their right to elect their candidate. What about the members of the 10 Polling Booths? When do they vote?

This mechanism has failed to a large extent as it has developed a phobia of Sleeping with an Enemy approach for the leaders and as far as the electors of the election held on the January 5, 2012 is concerned, it has made them richer by a few rupees more.

26-Shella constituency accounts for more than 18000 votes and with delimitation of constituencies the fight is on to conquer the UDP reigned constituency and win the coveted crown. However, to get the right person to do so the MPCC should prepare proper electoral guidelines and allow all the supporters of the party in the constituency to first enrol themselves and be listed in the electoral roll so they can VOTE and ELECT the RIGHT PERSON for the RIGHT REASON and to permit all the polling booths to cast their votes in the electoral process….the rest will be History. .

Yours etc.,

Concerned Congress workers & supporters,

26-Shella Constituency   

A Rejoinder


The views by Dr.Mihir Goswami about medical education in your esteemed daily (ST December 21, 2011), is a rather skewed vision like pictures viewed through a red wine filled bottle. It is red with fury and skewed with self contradictions. Buttering the Chief Minister in the opening paragraph is shrewd but ridiculing his madness in the following paragraph is shockingly sly and slimy too. On the one hand, he expressed appreciation and encourages the Chief Minister’s noble venture to open medical colleges in Meghalaya while on the other hand he expressed reservation on whether these colleges will be run efficiently to get the desired results. Which new medical college anywhere in the country is fully staffed after it was immediately opened? The author is well aware of the history and ground realities of medical colleges in Assam. In spite of these bottle necks, new medical colleges are springing up like wild mushrooms in Assam.

What is so wrong with Meghalaya aspiring to be a medical tourist destination? What is so wrong with Meghalaya aspiring to be the hub of medical education and higher education? What is so wrong with Meghalaya aspiring to be the exporter of medical experts like Assam and Manipur are doing today? I agree that it will be wrong only if the promises of the Chief Minister are but a rosy dream that ends up only as a cheap political slogan.

The shortage of teachers in NEIGRIHMS is not because junior officers in the institute cannot rise above their pettiness because they work late into the next morning! The shortage of teachers is a problem that is plaguing medical colleges and higher education in the entire country. It is on the basis of this reason that the pay commission has extended the retirement age for teachers in these areas to 65 years. A seasoned teacher like the writer, who has claimed himself to be, must be seasoned enough to know these simple facts and not to fall below his pettiness just to paint people with the wrong brush.

NEIGRIHMS does require teachers to quickly fulfil the criteria but more than that NEIGRIHMS requires teachers who are committed, sincere, efficient and who selflessly serve the institute with passion, dignity and decorum. As for reservation in Government institutions, one cannot question the wisdom and the spirit of the Constitution of India. India is a multiracial, multicultural, multiethnic, multilingual and multi-historic nation. It is a beautiful country inhabited by people of different racial backgrounds, different faiths, different socioeconomic standards, the low castes and the high castes, the rural and the urban, the majorities and the minorities, all bound together with the spirit that is enshrined in the constitution of India. A constitution that is supremely humane and God-fearing! A constitution that gives equal rights and opportunities and ensures equal representation of its people from all walks of life in all spheres of national human activities.

However, its deplorable to see that someone with a stature of Dr.Mihir Goswami looked at this spirit as a hindrance, an impediment and a weak point. The reserved categories have not ruined India, they have made India strong by developing themselves and by contributing immensely to the all round development of this country. They have a natural and constitutional right to be a part and parcel of all national human endeavours.

Lastly, if Dr. Goswami thinks that the bright and the brilliant are in the private sector, a brilliant man like him must quickly jump into the private sector and also reap rich returns. He must also lead from the front in providing expert service to the rural and far-flung areas to prove that words are easy done than said.

Yours etc.,

A concerned faculty of NEIGRIHMS


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