NEW DELHI: CBI court on Saturday reserved its order on a private complaint of Janata party chief Subramanian Swamy in which he pleaded that Home Minister P Chidambaram be made a co-accused in 2G spectrum scam case.
Swamy filed a private complaint before CBI special court and furnished the required document before the Court which is certified copy of document and submitted that on the basis of the documents Chidambaram can be made co-accused in 2G spectrum case.
He submitted the documents of two certified copies of his memorandum, certified copies of the minutes of two meetings- one between Mr Raja and P Chidambaram on January 30, 2008 and another between the duo and PM Manmohan singh.
After submitting various documents before the Court he submitted that this evidence reveals the connivance and consent of the then Finance Minister P Chidambaram in the decision taken by the then Telecom Minister A Raja in the matter of fixing the price for the spectrum license and in the matter of permitting two companies which received the license namely Swan Telecom and Unitech Wireless in dilution of shares even before roll out.
CBI speial judge O P Saini after hearing the arguments on Saturday reserved its order for pronouncing on February 4. (UNI)