Mumbai: Model-turned-actress Esha Gupta, who would be seen sharing screen alongside sultry Bipasha Basu in Vikram Bhatt’s Raaz 3, says that she did not feel intimidated by the presence of her co-actress but was definitely nervous.
In Raaz 3, a sequel to Raaz and Raaz:The Mystery Continues, Esha will be seen alongside Bipasha and Emraan Hashmi.
“I wasn’t intimidated but definitely nervous. Working with Bipasha was great. I did not want to give many re-takes and make a star like her wait. But she is very lovely, she makes sure she gives you full attention……she helps you. She is one of those who is very secured about herself. I don’t think I ever felt that oh I am not in the film. The film revolves around the three of us — Emraan, Bipasha and I are part of the film,” Esha told PTI.
“I have seen her and I have been a fan of her…seen her on big screen, the scene of her coming out of water in white outfit in ‘Jism’ has always left an impact not only on me but on millions of people. It is an honour to work with her,” she said.
Raaz 3, a romantic-horror film, is shot in 3D.
Talking about the 3D experience, Esha says, “Raaz 3 is in 3D so the whole experience is different. Especially for me as I haven’t gotten used to 2D angle, like I still don’t know where the light and camera is, as they keep shifting it. And Raaz 3 in 3D is much more difficult, it is much more time consuming, like with camera the lens also changes, the lighting also changes.”The film is slated to release in August end this year. (PTI)