New Delhi: Assured of its numbers, the UPA Wednesday appeared confident to face a vote on FDI in multi-brand retail to end the Parliament logjam but said a final decision on the debate rules lay with Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar.
According to government sources, a debate on the issue could start by Monday (Dec 3), and the vote could be held Tuesday or Wednesday if the government agrees for a debate under rule 184.
But since the matter relates to an executive decision, the Speaker could allow a debate with voting as a special case, said the sources.
UPA partner DMK, which had some reservations on the move, is now backing FDI in retail while the Samajwadi Party and Bahujan Samaj Party, which support the alliance from outside, have not taken a tough stand on the issue.
The government got a shot in the arm after its erstwhile partner Trinamool Congress too said it had left on the presiding officers of the two Houses the decision. (IANS)