Friday, March 7, 2025

Prerequisites to being a teacher in Meghalaya


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There are many prerequisites that one needs to fulfill to become a teacher be it at school, college or university or technical institutes et al. These may range from passing out class XII up to a Ph.D in different fields and disciplines depending upon the standards one wants to teach. Besides these qualifications, one also needs to pass certain other professional courses like B.Ed/M.Ed or training or eligibility test like SET, SLET, CTET, NET etc. These requisites are important not only in Meghalaya but also in the country at large for the teaching profession. These are understood and this letter has no intention to display any detail of them at all. But one unique prerequisite that one must have to be a successful teacher in Meghalaya is to learn the art of strike, hartal, gherao, agitation, fasting, procession, begging, writing petitions and to the extent of filing RTI and fighting court battles. However, learning the art alone will not do but one needs to gather the guts to practice them as well. Of course collective effort is very crucial in this practice. Thanks to M.K.Gandhi who outshines everybody else in this practice and thus may serve as a role model for our teachers when they do so. In fact teachers’ agitation either for payment, increment, arrears etc. has been a regular picture in Meghalaya for many years and many more are expected in the near future. Recently, I met some of my friends who are college teachers in some deficit colleges in the city and to my dismay they told me that till date they have not received their arrears (around 80% of it) of the last pay revision due in 2006. I then asked them which one will come first now, your pending arrears or your next pay revision? Expressing his annoyance over the delay of paying the said arrears Dr Kharlukhi says ‘the government is arm twisting us’. I like the term ‘arm twisting’ and Sir may I ask you what happens if the patience of the twisted crosses the limit? Can I say that ‘arm twisting’ may lead to ‘arm wrestling’? Let us see. Unfortunately fortunate, I am not the beneficiary of the arrears. Strike, hartal, gherao, agitation, fasting and procession were the techniques used by M.K.Gandhi in his movement both in India and Africa but the soul of his success lies with his spirit to fight known as ‘do or die’. As for me I don’t prefer ‘do or die’ in the first place but Lord Mahavira’s ‘live and let live’. Thus it is important for the government to intervene into the matter with right earnest and bring out the solution for this multi-crore arrears of the college teachers once and for all.

Your etc…

Airpeace Rani


Stop smoking in public!


It is a matter of need which has necessitated me to write to you with regards to the audience’s participation in the various football matches held in the Jawaharlal Nehru Complex. I am a regular member of the audience and find it extremely enjoyable to watch live matches, especially now that floodlights have been installed. However, with this being said, I find it disheartening that certain unlawful acts happen amidst the roar and elation of every game – the ILLEGAL SMOKING in public places. I have nothing against people who smoke, but I am very much against smoking in public places. Human chimney towers fogging up our view and our lungs, is just not acceptable. I would like therefore to urge upon the Organisers to take necessary steps to check such illegal smoking inside the stadium. May I also make a suggestion to have a public announcement against smoking before the start of every game, and during half-time, so as to make the public aware of the provisions of the law?

Yours etc,

W Kharkrang,

Shillong – 22

Wanted quality roads!


Apropos the Chief Minister’s request to the Union Finance Minister for a special package to improve the condition of the existing roads ( ST 23rd March 2013), I would like to mention that until and unless the C.M or the Minister PWD (Roads) can ensure that roads are constructed as per quality norms, like the Shillong by pass road which is of international standards, all of the funds given by the Centre for the road improvement work will be wasted. Roads in Meghalaya, as we all know, do not survive beyond the first monsoon rains as a large portion of the funds do not go into the road work but into the pockets of individuals. The government must ensure that all future road work must have the quality of the Shillong by-pass.

Yours etc.,

DM Pariat,

Shillong- 3

 Harassment by SPTS


I am a regular commuter from Barik to Mawblei. I would like to bring to your notice the fact that the “Red Buses” plying on the route overcharge the passengers either on the pretext of having no change or even more blatantly charging arbitrary rates. I will cite one example which occurred on March 23, last. I caught a bus (ML 01 6850) at approximately 9 am from Barik point. I handed over a 10 rupee note to the ticket collector and told him I was commuting to Mawblei . He nonchalantly handed over a Rs10 ticket. When I told him I was a regular commuter and quoted the correct rate, he just ignored me. On my request to have a look at the rate chart, he said he did not have one. When I threatened to lodge a complaint against him for overcharging and not displaying the rate chart as required, he told me to go ahead and that nothing would happen. On my request for the Bus No. he told me to look at it from outside.

This is not an isolated incident, and all commuters have suffered from such bad behaviour. I request you to use your good office to bring this to the notice of the relevant authorities. I also appeal to members of the public to stand up against this menace and write in to Shillong Times or the appropriate authorities if they have any incidents of overcharging etc. It is not the matter of a few rupees but the principle involved. How long will we take it lying down? I also take this opportunity to request the relevant authorities to not only ensure that the ticket collectors have sufficient change and to display the rate charts, but also to publish it in the leading dailies for public awareness & ready reference.

Yours etc.,

Arun Murthy,

Via email

Leaking pipes of New Colony


I would like to point out to the Urban Affairs Minister, Ampareen Lyngdoh, that the perpetually leaking water pipes of New Colony, Laitumkhrah has resulted in wastage of thousands of gallons of water on a daily basis. It has turned the road into a veritable river, and is causing tremendous hardship to residents who never get a decent supply of water even during monsoons. The plumbers from the department that are supposed to monitor and fix these pipes are always drunk during duty hours and never lay a hand on these pipes unless they are paid handsomely by residents. The leaking pipes have in effect become a gold mine for government plumbers who fleece the residents at every opportunity! A few months back we noticed a flurry of activity in New Colony with some water pipes being laid near Mr Conrad Sangma’s residence. Seeing this, we had thought that your department had finally decided to take action to replace these rusted pipes after many years. But alas, the situation did not improve. Instead the dug up road was never repaired and remains a threat to motorists to this day. The pipes are leaking worse than ever and pedestrians just cannot avoid being splashed. The road remains wet day and night, while some of us do not have a drop to drink. I would therefore request ms Ampareen Lyngdoh to inspect the mess of pipes starting from Mr PR Kyndiah’s residence all the way to NEEPCO office. A short walk on this road should be enough for you to understand the problem which in any case, is not a new one. We, the residents are frustrated and angry at the total neglect by your department. We have been patient for far too long. We hope you will not continue to turn a blind eye to this serious problem. Please visit our locality and see for yourself if your busy schedule permits you to do so.

Yours etc.,

Ajanta K Roy,

Shillong -3


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