Monday, June 17, 2024

BJP slams Azam for playing muslim card


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Lucknow: Criticizing the US government for harassing any Indian during their visit, BJP national spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi on Monday said that Uttar Pradesh minister Mohammad Azam Khan’s version that he was humiliated because being a muslim was absolutely unacceptable.

“BJP protests against harassment of any Indians in foreign countries but we don’t discriminate it on communal or religion lines,” she said while adding “‘Azam terming himself as a muslim for the humiliation proves his communal mindset.”

Addressing a press conference here , Ms Lekhi said that so called secular leaders did not oppose when US cancelled the visa of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi but now when Azam faced the humaliation, they made such a hue and cry.

“BJP has always opposed any harrassment of Indians anywhere in the world whether it was in Saudi Arabia during Haj,” she said.

Ridiculing the allegation of Azam Khan blaming External Affairs minister Salman Khursid for the incident, the BJP leader said ,” can anyone even think of interfering into the security system in US.” (UNI)


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