Spending time with mother-in-law makes you happier!
Spending time with your mother-in-law can actually make you happier, a research has revealed. The research has revealed that people who maintain frequent contact with both a mother and mother-in-law, are likely to have higher well-being than those who are seeing more of one side of the family and less of the other, as the benefit from two sources of close maternal support, the Daily Times reported.
According to the study, if a relationship is maintained with only one mother figure “then there is an imbalance in the family, perhaps with disappointment or even resentment by the non-connected partner”.
The ‘Australian Unity Wellbeing Index’ found those who had weekly contact with their mother and mother-in-law had a wellbeing score of 78.7, well above the normal range of 73.7-76.7. (ANI)
Britain to give $1.5 bn aid for AIDS, TB, Malaria
Britain will contribute one billion pounds ($1.5 billion) to the Global Fund to fight Aids, tuberculosis and Malaria over the next three years, said Justine Greening, international development secretary at the UN. The investment, she said, showed Britain was leading the way in international aid and claimed the contribution would save a life every three minutes, Daily Express reported Tuesday.
The aid will fund lifesaving anti-retroviral therapy for 750,000 people living with HIV, 32 million more insecticide-treated nets to prevent the transmission of malaria and TB treatment for over a million people.
The Global Fund was created in 2002 as a public private partnership to raise funds to significantly change the course of HIV/AIDS, TB, and Malaria. Britain is the third largest donor, after the US and France. Speaking at the UN General Assembly meeting, Greening said: “AIDS, TB and Malaria are among the world’s biggest killers despite being entirely preventable and treatable. “The Global Fund has already helped save millions of lives but we must keep up the momentum if we are to beat these diseases for good. “It is in all our interests to help people live longer, healthier, more productive lives so we all need to play our part in working towards a world free of HIV/Aids, Malaria and TB.” (IANS)
Walnuts can protect obese people from diabetes, heart diseases
A new study has found that overweight adults can help protect themselves from diabetes and heart disease by adding walnuts to their diet. Researchers from Yale University put a small group of adults on a walnut-enriched diet for two eight-week sessions. For their research, scientists chose 46 adults between the ages of 30 and 75 who had a body mass index larger than 25 and a waist circumference exceeding 40 inches (102 cm) for men and 35 inches (89 cm) for women. All exhibited risk factors for metabolic syndrome, a precursor of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and none were smokers, the New York Daily News reported. Participants were assigned to either a walnut-enriched ad libitum diet or an ad libitum diet without walnuts. Those who followed the walnut diet were instructed to eat 56 g of shelled, unroasted walnuts a day as a snack or with a meal. At the end of the experiments, scientists observed improved endothelial function in overweight adults who consumed walnuts. Endothelial cells make up the inner lining of blood vessels and help with blood clotting and the formation of new blood cells, regulate inflammation and control blood pressure. No participants in the walnut-eating group gained weight. “Our theory is that if a highly nutritious, satiating food like walnuts is added to the diet, there are dual benefits: the benefits of that nutrient rich addition and removal of the less nutritious foods,” lead author Dr. David Katz, said. (ANI)