Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Are we heading towards Idiocracy


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By Oliver Lyngdoh

Someone told me today that if our generations views on politics are, “A dirty game”, “It sucks”, “A place of degenerate fools,” who then would be the ones in charge of the future generation?
If they don’t show an interest in it at an early age, if not a genuine interest, but at least a healthy interest, what fate does the society of tomorrow have?
The generation of today are so engrossed in the events and lives of our western counterparts that if they are asked they will know what a particular pop-star  had for breakfast. But ask them about the social or political events in our own state, forget the country, very few would have a clear idea about issues that matter.  Is this what we have grown into? Is this what we have started to inculcate in the mindset of our young?
In my personal view we can never develop or strive towards development if our attitude towards things that matter stay the same. Are we to blame for this behavior?  Did we lose sight of things that matter to the society, to the people, to the community that we see only ourselves? That we strive to live and amass wealth only for ourselves? I see many NGO’s and groups fighting for a cause and say they are fighting for the people, for their rights, etc., But in reality what are our rights? Who are our people? What is this movement?
This might or might not be true but in retrospect aren’t these agitations held with a  hidden agenda? Or perhaps with a motive that is exploited by certain individuals for their personal gain? In the world of, “Corrupt” politics and the “Corrupt”  society, this might be true. Some will say that I have been reading too many conspiracy theories and stories, but what if they were true and we don’t see it until the very end when there is nothing left to do?
Think about it.
The youth of today sadly are too stuck up in what’s in and who’s who that they fail to realize and grasp about what’s really going on. The so called adults, the ones in office and the ones in the assembly are either too afraid or threatened to speak up their own minds. They play a game of chess without knowing who the rook or knight is. Or maybe they are just plain dumb and are  sitting there in office waiting for the next pay to come in or the next scheme to exploit. If the former is true, then our “Elected Ones” are hypocrites- promising many things but delivering none. In short- just plain corrupt! And if the latter is true, it just shows our own stupidity on electing members based on false pretences and looks.
I am not saying that I am not at fault, I am pointing out that OUR generation is heading towards “Idiocracy” -a democracy held and ruled by idiots. We are so blinded by power and wealth that we forget the simple things that matter. We exploit resources for need of better technology but deplete the forest cover needed for the air we breathe. Our mindset is as such that care, love and wisdom are replaced by exploitation, lust and messing it up. We really don’t care anymore. We hardly love, we mistake lust for love and live with it. We have no intelligence but just enough of book smartness is instilled in us for better grades.
I tell you!  Grades don’t matter!
I implore on my generation – the youth of today – to look at how you live, how you think, your opinion on heated issues without the backdrop of what you’ve heard or read, your morality and conscience and then compare it with the society you want to live in. Is it as you imagine? Or is it something that saddens you? If it saddens you then ask yourself this- What would you do to change it? How can you work for the development of the community and state if all you do is sit at home and talk about it?
There are two kinds of people- The Ones who Act and The Ones who Talk.
Which one are you?
In conclusion I’ll just state a few arbitrary facts that seem irrelevant at first glance but may instill in you, the reader some food for thought.
I grew up to Dexter’s Laboratory which taught me that no matter the bickering between siblings they always care;
Kids now a days are growing up to Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana which teaches them that relationships and making an impression on a guy is all that life is about;
I grew up to Power Rangers, Dragon-ball Z and other superhero cartoons that showed us that no matter the situation, Good always triumphs over Evil;
Kids now a day’s grow up to trolls and memes which instead of teaching them to be good in their aspects of lives only teaches bad grammar and English to them.
I grew up listening to good music which actually had symphony,
Kids nowadays listen to beats made on a computer with lyrics vulgar to the ear.
I grew up respecting my elders afraid to show attitude and use ‘bad’ words in front of them;
Kids nowadays slang at their parents for not understanding their ‘Gen X’ culture and for not knowing what is the trend.
All I am saying is this; Are we willing to let our younger siblings and children turn out to be people who follow blindly what they see and hear? Are we willing for them to be only book smart? Tech savvy? And not have an ounce or a pinch of morality and  respect in them?
Are we willing to head towards Idiocracy?
That is all I am saying.


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