New Delhi: Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde on Tuesday said that the probe into the alleged foreign funding to Aam Admi Party (AAP) was not a government initiative but done following a Delhi High Court directive.
“We have ordered the inquiry after the Delhi High Court took note of the matter and passed instructions,” he told reporters, a day after making the announcement about the probe.
The Delhi High Court had on October 23 asked the Centre to look “afresh” into the accounts of AAP to find out the sources of the money received by the party since its inception. A bench of justices Pradeep Nandrajog and V K Rao had asked the Centre to inform it by December 10 after going through the accounts of AAP.
“You go through the accounts again after AAP was formed. In case you find anything in violation of FCRA, take action or you inform the court about the status,” the bench had said while hearing a public interest litigation.
Shinde said the foreigners division of the Home Ministry has sent a detailed questionnaire to AAP under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA). “We are waiting for their reply,” he said here.
AAP has accused the government of a “witch hunt” by ordering the probe, saying it has broken no law and demanded a similar inquiry against other political parties. (PTI)