Shree Rajasthani Brahman Samaj Samiti had its election recently for which oath taking ceremony was held on Sunday last, The new body comprises of president-Babulal Sharma, vice presidents-Bajranglal Didwania and Ramesh Pipalwa, Secretary-Bimal Kumar Dhadichamong others including thirteen executive members.
The Annual General Meeting of the Meghalaya Pensioners Association will be held on November 29 at seminar hall, State Central Library at 11 am.
The KSU Jaintia Hills District has invited all the local people to participate in the proposed rally called by the 14-Pro ILP groups to be held at Students’ Field here on Saturday.
The SDO of Sohra Civil Sub Division, Cyril VD Diengdoh has warned any opportunists who are involved in destroying the forests by burning down the forests and also instructed the locals to immediately alarm the Fire Department in case there is any such burning down of forests. Diengdoh also stated that those who are found violating the order will be booked under section 268 of the Indian Penal Code.
The Garo Students’ Union-Khasi Hills Zone has informed that they are postponing the November 29 programme of AIDS awareness programme and pre-Christmas to be held at Garo Union Secondary School due to unavoidable circumstances. The date to hold the programme will be announced later.
Lok Adalat held
The District Legal Services Authority, South West Khasi Hills under the aegis of Meghalaya State Legal Services Authority organised a day long Lok Adalat in the office complex of the DC, Mawkyrwat recently where out of 18 criminal cases, miscellaneous and Non FIR cases, 5 were disposed off and a total of 47 numbers of Bakijai cases were disposed off.