Lucknow: Social activist and former member of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Nutan Thakur on Monday sought a probe by the Income Tax department into the allegations of misappropriations of funds collected during Anna Hazare’s agitation at the Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi. Referring to the allegations made by Hazare himself, as shown in a video clip, Thakur Monday shot off a complaint to the Central Board of Direct Taxes chairman, seeking a probe into the funds collected and donated by 30 million people under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
“Hazare’s voice is well known and easily recognised and seems his own in this video surfacing November this year. Hence his allegations being serious in nature need to be immediately investigated,” she told IANS.
Thakur, a social activist, joined the AAP a couple of months ago only to quit last month after a sting operation by web portal allegedly showed AAP’s candidates for the Dec 4 Delhi assembly elections accepting funds without proper verification.
Relations between the anti-corruption crusader and Kejriwal had come under severe strain after a video showing Hazare expressing disappointment over alleged misuse of funds collected during the India Against Corruption’s campaign for Jan Lokpal surfaced just ahead of the Delhi polls. (IANS)