Many thinking people have voluntarily contributed articles through your columns with many informative and creative ideas about taking head on some of the urgent issues of the identity, well being and concerns of the common man. Thank you for creating and promoting this space. This is a sign that despite the general pessimism, we still have a small but vibrant group within our community who are genuinely trying to extend some helpful ideas. These writings are often candid and thoughtful pieces for the consideration of all.
When I read today’s Shillong Times, (21 January 2014 – Meghalaya Day), I was pleased to read the letters to the editor of Bah HH Mohrmen. As usual, he raises pertinent points from the point of view of the often marginalized people and the general concerns of our communities. We will do well to listen to him. May his tribe increase!
Toki Blah’s article of today reminded me of the film “How green was my valley” – a story of a hard working Welsh mining family and the destruction of the environment in South Wales in the 1930s. We still have a chance to ‘green’ Shillong and clean it of its current dirt, filth and anti environment approach, if we have the commitment and competence to do so. I agree with Bah Toki that we desperately and urgently need to amend the Municipal Act and let it bring forth an urban governance system that is more professional, more people-centred and an inspiration to the townships outside the municipal jurisdiction. All my guests who come to Meghalaya consistently say that Shillong is one big slum that is a hindrance to the beauty of its hinterland. Let us all play our part and let us act fast. Thank you Bah Toki for reminding us of this issue.
Yours etc.
Phrang Roy
Via email.
MPSC betrays the meritorious
The MPSC had recently conducted the Physical Eligibility Test for budding aspirants to the polie department in the month of December ,2013, whereby a candidate had to run 10kms in 1 hour. The results were declared on 20th January 2014.The results were surprising for quite a number of candidates. I have learnt that some deserving candidates who had made the run within the stipulated time and even some brushing off more than 5 minutes of the 1 hour mark, could not make it (their names were never published), while some of the candidates who had completed the run after clocking more than 60 minutes were amongst the successful candidates. Interestingly these candidates are kith and kin of important people such as politicians, police officers and other higher ups. I am not stating that all the candidates got in through dubious means but those who did so know who they are. Had the MPSC been more transparent and asked each candidate to sign against his/her name on completion of the run and the same is published immediately on the police website t would have left no room for criticisms or corrupt practices. Why was the list where the timings were recorded been scribbled many times over? Is this not a clear indication that nepotism and large sums of money played a great part in depriving deserving candidates the opportunity to excel and serve the state in a justified manner? Can the MPSC come out with the documents to prove that there was no tampering? Even though they had videographers to record the run, but did the camera person record each and every runner individually along with the timing? This is a betrayal of the people’s faith in the system. No wonder so many deprived and frustrated young people are always anti-government in their attitudes and dialogues. When will MPSC clean itself up? Will it still be dictated by MONEY? It’s clear that even in the written prelims and the mains, candidates will get through if they have money, even if they fail in the written tests. They will also eventually get through the personal interview and then the same people will police the public against crimes and corrupt practices. What an irony! Such people will then try to recover their investment through corrupt practices on the one hand and also try to arrest people indulging in the same acts they are involved in. I am no philosopher to try and give any solutions. The people at the helm of MPSC should know better how to clean their own Institution. I am just stating what see and know is going on in this most controversial institution which should be producing fine young people to steer the State to new heights.
Yours etc.,
Name withheld on reques