Stephan Sting Marb-aniang, a resident of Mawlai Madawtbaki (Nongpathaw) passed away on the February 26. The funeral will be held on the February 28 at 2pm at the Catholic Church Cemetery Mawlai.
Danny Francis Syiem-lieh passed away on February 26. His funeral will be held on February 28 at 3rd mile Upper Shillong Catholic Cemetery at 2.30 pm.
Bobby Richard Warjri (Bah Heh), S/o of (L) Frank Maskell Shadap and Mrs. Elizabeth Warjri of Kharmalki, Malki, working as Assistant Executive Engineer PWD (Roads) Mawhati Sub-division passed away on February 26. His funeral service will take place at Dong Umbah, Umpling at 1.30 pm on February 28 and thereafter the body will be laid to rest at the Catholic cemetery in Malki.
Ms Marrybell Laloo, a former employee of the office of Director General of Police, and aunt of Niloufer Laloo passed at Wahingdoh Block I on February 25. The funeral would be held at Makhar Presbyterian Church, Lawmali on Februry 27 at 2:30 pm.
Rosland Iawphniaw (Bah Thongni), former Rangbah Shnong of Lumshyiap and husband of Callista Nongrum and a resident of Shanmari, Lumshyiap passed away on February 26. His funeral will be held at the Catholic cemetry in Lumshyiap on February 28 at 2 pm.