Its time a tough and radical decision is taken on the ongoing power crises in our state. So much has been said and written on this current situation of MeECL. Now its time for action.
As it stands today, the consumers are paying more than the service provided. So, it would be better off and fair enough if as consumers, we demand the closure (mind it – not overhaul) of MeECL and the same be handed over to a better and professional body. MeECL has failed in its business. In any school, a child who fails in two consecutive years is asked to look for another school. But look at MeECL; it has been failing for donkey years altogether. Its report card shows – “From power surplus to power deficit”. Shame! I fully agree with Grace Diengdoh’s letter in your editorial page that there is obviously a total breakdown in organizational capability, management and day to day functioning of the MeECL.
They try to divert the issue only to Umiam and blame the absence of rain but what about the failed Leshka project? Isn’t it good to ask for a CBI enquiry as done in the education scam? From 300 crores to 600 crores then to 1300 crores! Despite of spending so much of money, what we get? 6 MW out of the 100 – 120 MW! Who? Why? How? Where, this escalation? Being the principal opposition party, UDP should immediately file a PIL and demand for a CBI enquiry. For publicity sake, their on-going phase wise agitation too can go along. As long as MeECL is run by the present bunch of high ups (engineers & bureaucrats), God save Meghalaya!
Yours etc.,
D Suiam,
Politicians in business or businessmen in politics?
The recent ban on rat hole mining by NGT is a welcome respite against the assault on our natural resources. All mining activities, both coal and limestone, should be banned in Jaintia Hills because of the obvious harm it does to our environment and also because its contribution to the State is outweighed by the negatives than by the positives. The so called livelihoods lost are of the many illegal immigrants, who not only are disturbing our social fabric but are a danger to our well being. These illegal immigrants are brought and sheltered by the mine owners and then left to their own devices. They resort to crime, thereby making the place very unsafe for everyone. Most of the Jaintia politicians, be at the national, state or district level, are businessmen at the core. Miners, construction contractors, suppliers, ‘benami’ deal holders etc. are just some of the many hats they wear. These politicians don’t care for anyone but themselves. Livelihoods? Whose? Maybe they should keep sticking to their tried and tested formula and continue on awarding themselves big contracts to ensure their contracting business flourishes on. For now, and for everyone’s sake, let the NGT ban prevail.
Yours etc.,
Lamchuwa Mukhim,
Via email
Devil worship
The news about the so-called devil worship being practiced by certain section of the youth in Tura is indeed really disturbing and is a matter of great concern. The efforts of the church and the police department in tackling the issue are commendable. However, the problem
is societal and the need is to have a multi-pronged approach. In today’s world, in a teaching scenario, if a child is not learning, the blame is no longer put on the child. The problem could lie in the approach of the teacher or the environment or some other factor. Similarly, in this situation, we need to get to the root of the matter and analyze the cause of such deviant behavior in our children. We need to introspect at the way we are parenting and try to identify the communication gaps. In our hectic day-to-day lives most parents are content if the basic needs of our children like food, clothing and good education are being provided. But in this process are we missing out on the basic emotional guidance, love, support and most importantly time that they require from us?
Yours etc.,
Jasmine Sangma,
Via email
Who is to be blamed here?
I was shocked and amused at the same time when I read the news reports and the reactions thereafter where Chief Minister Mukul Sangma blames everyone for the ongoing power failure except himself. MeECL of course got the brunt of his onslaught but reading the news reports does not give the veritable picture. When I watched him on PCN speaking with that pseudo concerned look of his and coolly castigating those who run MeECL before the media it seems like he has temporarily forgotten that he has been the head of Government for quite some time now and that he was also once the Power Minister of the State. He also seems to have forgotten or conveniently avoided admitting that he is the one who has allowed a certain person to head MeECL for donkey’s years now, even when it was obvious that MeECL was on a rapid downslide during the tenure of this official. Sangma openly asserted that the official is super efficient and extended his services even after he attained the age of superannuation. That this person accepted the proposal for his extension not only surprised many but it has led to many unsavoury speculations as well. The question that arises now is whether the one who heads MeECL or the one who heads the Government should be held accountable for this mess? Or is there not even a flicker of conscience in both of them even after seeing our own people suffering now because of their ineptitude – an ineptitude amounting to callousness. It is sad that in a Christian State like ours such things should occur. So where are we headed? When do we get our salvation from all these unpleasant complexities created by those whom we expect to be our protectors and saviours? God only knows.
Yours etc.,
Kyrchan Dkhar,
Shillong -2