Kohima:Nagaland on Wednesday joined the world to celebrate International Rural Woman Day, organised by the Janajati Vikas Samiti of Nagaland (JVSN), along with felicitation Programme to the bold women of the society.
Nagaland Transport Commissioner H Achumi felicitated Ms Zakielhounuo of Mima Village, about 18 Kms from Kohima and took the profession of private Zonal Taxi Driver, Ms Mhasivinuo from Pfüchama Village and Ms Diezeneinuo from Kigwema village for taking jobs of Bus Conductors of the Kohima Municipal Council city buses.
All the three felicitated girls are from Southern Angami area villages under Kohima district.
Addressing the gathering Mr Achumi appreciated the JVSN for taking up such a old work of searching such bold ladies to take up job of men, which should have been done by the Government Departments like Women Resource Development Department or by the Women Commission.
The Naga society is dominated by males from time unknown, but time has changed now to have re-visit to the traditional systems. He said most of the Government offices women are out numbered the male employees and workers by which has proven the women’s advancement in the society. (UNI)