TURA: The Border Security Force (BSF) belonging to BOP Baghmara in South Garo Hills on Monday seized 16 bundles of bamboo including 21 numbers of Teak and 9 numbers of Sal logs from near BP No- 1152/1-S some 700 metres from the Border Outpost.
The total worth of the seized logs and bundles of bamboo has been estimated to be Rs.5.77 lakh. All the seized items have been submitted to the Range Officer of the concerned department in Baghmara.
It is worth mentioning that just recently the BSF, on two occasions, had seized a huge quantity of coal which was being smuggled out to Bangladesh through the Simsang River.
The modus operandi of the smugglers was to tie gunny sacks filled with coal underneath makeshift bamboo rafts and let it drift along with the current down the Simsang River into neighbouring Bangladesh which would then be retrieved.