Bollywood actor Salman Khan’s blood sample revealed a high alcohol content after he underwent a test following the 2002 accident case in Mumbai, a chemical analysis expert informed the sessions court here Wednesday.D.K. Balashanker from the Sir J.J. Hospital forensic lab said various tests revealed a higher than normal alcohol content in Salman’s blood.
Salman Wednesday appeared before the court in the ongoing retrial in the Sep 28, 2002, hit-and-run case, which left one pavement dweller dead and four others injured.
The sessions court had Dec 5 last year ordered a retrial on the grounds that some witnesses had not been examined in connec-tion with the enhanced charge of “culpable homi-cide not amounting to murder” slapped on Salman by a magistrate halfway through the hearing in the trial court.
Salman was earlier tried for the less serious offence of causing death by negligence which stipulated a jail term of two years. The enhanced charge attracts a 10-year prison sen-tence.(IANS)