Kohima:Nagaland Chief Minister T R Zeliang on Friday advised the state Civil Service officers to be well informed on key policies of the Government and issues that are confronting it.
Addressing the 42nd General Conference of the Nagaland Civil Service Association (NCSA) here, Mr Zeliang said the NCS officers are ‘Team Leader’ in their own respective circles and sub-division and are expected to lead and guide all the agencies of the State Government.
He said that the NCS officers are present in the remotest corners of the state, and have become an invaluable asset to the government in providing leadership and direction to the people and in maintai-ning law and ensuring justice in the activities of the government. He also said that NCS officers are the most visible and influential face of governance, it was of utm-ost importance that officers of the service maintain the highest level of integrity, justice and impartiality so that the trust of the people on the State government and its agencies are strengthened.
With technology chan-ging by the day, the CM expressed his confi-dence that the NCS officers will keep up with such techno-logy changes and to use it as an important work tool.He also shared his experience as an administrative officer with the gathering.(UNI)