TURA: The Chambugong Mahari (clan) to which belongs the Danakgre A’king land has declared as illegal the recent appointment of ANVC-B chairman Bernard (Rimpu) N Marak as the town Nokma.
The appointment of Rimpu Marak as the Nokma of Danakgre A’king was declared as an illegal act by the Chambugong Mahari Association after a meeting at its headquarters in Selbalgre village, near Rongram.
It was pointed out by the elders of the clan that the appointment cannot be legal since the consent of the Chras of the Chambugong clan were not taken and also the fact that a new Nokma of the clan is appointed from the same bloodline as that of the last recorded Nokma, in this case a Chambugong.
The ANVC-B leader belongs to the N Marak clan while the Danakgre A’king is under the Ch Marak (Chambugong) clan.
“From time immemorial, as far as Mahari A’king is concerned, the decision of the Chras prevails. It is an accepted fact that the Nokma of any A’king is only the custodian and the A’king land being a community land belongs to the clan in which the actual authority lies with the Chras and the Nokma has to act as per the decision of the Chras Depantes,” said the Chambugong Mahari Association. “Appointing someone from outside the clan to perform the duty of Nokma is not acceptable by the Chras Depante and is grossly illegal,” informed the Chambugong Mahari to which belongs the Chokpotgre, Danakgre, Megonggre, Sangsang Nawalgre, Wadagre, Rangmal Badamgre, Depa Dorachae A’kings.
Tura town on its part falls under the jurisdiction of Danakgre, Megonggre and partially Sangsang Nawalgre which are all under the Chambugong Mahari.
The clan has also termed illegal the constitution of three or four Nokmas under one A’king land on the grounds that the latter prevails supreme under the said A’king with no question of having Nokma I and II.