Saturday, June 29, 2024

A despicable act!


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The  public lynching incident that took place in Nagaland is condemnable and shocking. Such incidents of horrific nature in a civilised society send jitters down one’s spine. The flip side of it may have an encouraging story of seeing the guilty being punished in full public view for his wrong-doings. If such is the trend in future, or any such law related to public lynching is brought in to protect our womenfolk from the ghastly act of rape, the perpetrators would think twice before committing such crimes. However, Dimapur’s story seems to be of a different colour and much of it relates to the Majority vs Minority fight wherein the rape accused, belonging to a minority community, had been dragged out of the jail, beaten up, stripped naked and strung up at the clock tower.  The charged mob not only killed him but also the law of the land. The accused was beaten to death before the law took its own course.  Such trends pose the biggest threat to our democracy, wherein the rule of law goes for a toss smothering the basic rights of the citizens. The incident, which is now being debated across the country, is a cause of concern for the Naga population and other north-easterners residing elsewhere in the country. Being away from one’s sweet home for earning one’s livelihood is a challenge in itself. This is only going to add to our  woes! The immediate repercussions can be dangerous and fatal. Unchecked influx of people, no doubt, is a threat to the ethnic demography of the state but this is also true for the states where a huge chunk of population from north east is migrating to for economic gains.  It’s time we rose above xenophobia and steer clear of ethnic cleansing as this can boomerang anytime. The issue needs immediate redressal to re-assure and re-affirm that the law of land is supreme and nobody is above law.
Yours etc.,
Subash Deb

A ban on our intellect?

Is India a democratic country or country of bans? Nowadays, films are being banned by the censor board on flimsy grounds. The ban on Leslee Udwin’s documentary, India’s Daughter,” based on the 2012 Delhi gang rape is unwarranted. I wonder why the same censor board that bans cuss words in films allows scenes which often portray debasement of sexuality, vulgarity and unethical portrayal of women. In the past movies and documentaries were graded according to their content. Most documentaries aim to convey a social message to a  mass audience and their objective is to change mindsets and attitudes. They are educative in nature and create awareness about our social problems. In this century where each and every individual has easy access to mobile telephony and internet, a ban by the Government is self defeating. India’s Daughter proved the point since large swathes of Indians with internet access have watched it. Banning a film/documentary is no solution and moral policing by the government reveals its medieval mindset. The Indian citizen is intelligent enough to judge what is right and wrong. No one has the right to decide for them, not even governments.
Yours etc.,
Anindita Dey,

Aadhar Card rejected

I submitted my Aadhaar card as an Identity Proof and address proof for a new prepaid connection from AIRTEL but this has been refused by the Company . The service provider should be ashamed of doing so.
Yours etc.,
Shantanu Dutta
Shillong -3

Great initiative by our youth!

I had the privilege of seeing the first ever computer generated animation movie from Meghalaya,  U SYIEM  and would like to congratulate Cosmic Clusters and Melodia Arrangment for this superb production. The movie is comparable to those from big production houses. This just shows that our young people are not lacking in creativity and innovation and one just has to channel these in the right direction. I congratulate these young people, who in spite of limited technical resources were able to produce a film that is excellent in many ways.
Apart from the technical aspects of the movie, the most important thing about this production is the story and the historical facts that are being portrayed which will inspire everyone who watches it. This movie will inspire not the Hynniewtrep Community but for every Indian who love his motherland. I request those in the Government to ensure that this movie shown to all the school children in the state.
Yours etc.,
D Lyngdoh,
Via email


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