ARRAYNEW DELHI: A toddler and a five-year-old girl were gang-raped here in separate incidents, leading to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who visited the victims in hospital on Saturday, questioning the measures taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Lt Governor Najeeb Jung to protect women in the capital and demanding control over Delhi Police. The two-and-a-halfyear-old, who was raped by two men in west Delhi’s Nangloi area, continued to be in a critical condition on Saturday while the fiveyear-old was raped by three men in east Delhi’s Anand Vihar. Questioning steps taken by Modi and Jung, who are responsible for law and order in the capital, to protect children, Kejriwal later tweeted: “Repeated rape of minors is shameful and worrying. Delhi Police has completely failed to provide safety. What are PM and his LG doing?” According to a police officer in Nangloi, the twoand-a-half-year-old was kidnapped from outside her home, where she was after a power cut, by two men and brutally raped. She was found bleeding at a nearby park early on Saturday. The victim was rushed to Sanjay Gandhi Hospital where she is undergoing treatment for her injuries. Viewers at a Ramlila performance going on nearby told police they saw the two men on a motorcycle abduct the minor. (IANS)