Two singing superstars Rihanna and Drake have reunited on a song called Work. In a leaked casting call sheet that a Twitter user recently posted online, the video was shot on January 8 and January 9 and would include horseback riders as well as cops, reported a website. Supporting the information, some other Twitter users claimed over the weekend that they spotted Drake, Rihanna and some horses at Los Angeles’ Eagle Rock Plaza. “Drake and Rihanna are filming a music video in our mall rn,” wrote a fan. “Why are there horses at the eagle rock plaza what is going on omg,” another said. Other fans tweeted some pictures from the filming set and what might be snippets of the song Work. Prior to Work, Rihanna and Drake have worked together twice, on her 2010 hit What’s My Name and on Take Care off his 2011 album of the same title. (PTI)