AGARTALA: Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar has inaugurated a supercomputer centre in NIT, Agartala on Wednesday. The centre, which set up in collaboration with C-DAC spending Rs.48 lakh, was second of its kind in the Northeastern states after Guwahati. C-DAC’s executive director Hemant Darbari said, “PARAM Supercomputing infrastructure would enable the institute to begin and pursue interdisciplinary research in all societal sectors of the economy by modern computational research methodologies where the focus would be on accuracy with a clear purpose for decision making.” He said this initiative is expected to create a skilled work force and promote research by integrating emerging technologies at the grassroots level. Co-ordinator of C-DAC Centre of Excellence in NIT Agartala, Nirmalya Kar said that this high performance computing infrastructure is the beginning and can also be used by the researchers in the state of Tripura with increased computing power.