I was aghast to read your news report that some of the Pastors have filed a writ petition in the High Court against the implementation of Meghalaya Compulsory Registration of Marriage Act 2015. I thought we are back to the good old days seeing the other day in the vernacular press that normalcy is returning to H Gordon Roberts Hospital, but now we are back to square one with the writ petition by our so called Church leaders (pastors).Good Lord, what is going on here? Are our Pastors now at liberty to fight in the Court when their domain is in the Church? There are so many lost sheep in the wilderness. Please go and find them. We demand a clarification from the KJP Synod or KJP Assembly whether these Pastors have got the approval of the Synod or Assembly. Have they taken the consent of their Pastorate or the District they are in charge of?. Who bears the expenses? As church members we have the right to be clarified, or else we will be compelled to adopt some other means. Instead of going direct to the Court why not urge the Government to bring amendments. That would have been a noble idea for our pastors. Have our so called church leaders ever thought, what if the Court makes the Church, the Pastorate, the District, the Presbytery, the Synod or Assembly party to the case? Who will bear the expenses for lawyers fees? What if the case goes to the higher court (Supreme Court).Will our offerings also be used for legal expenses? God please help us!
Yours etc.,
Osmond J. Kharmawphlang & Dephishisha K.Syntiew.
Rooting out black money
This refers to the through-provoking article “But will it rid black economy? by Shivaji Sarkar (ST, Nov 14, 2016). After demonetising high-value notes to curb black money, PM Modi has rightly said that he has “more projects” in mind to rid the country of corruption and was ready to face the consequences as forces are “up against me” with 70 years of loot being in trouble. The evil of corruption has been spread by certain sections of society for their selfish interest. The primary cause of concern here is the quality of India’s political leadership, which has consistently betrayed its own taxmen. Modi’s master stroke will eliminate the counterfeit notes in circulation and bring black money-holders under the scanner to a large extent. It will also help us move towards a cashless economy. Today, the rich and powerful, whose money is stashed in tax havens outside the country, are leading hassle-free lives. The timely and swift move to cleanse the corruption and cancerous black money is a most welcome move. According to one estimate the quantum of black money in circulation in domestic economy is three times the regular circulated currency. The bold stroke of demonetization may rattle people but it will definitely inject dynamism in the moribund economy. Prevention is better than the elusive cure. Accumulation of black money should be nipped in the bud. Tax avoidance, tax evasion etc ably guided and assisted by the financial advisers, bulk of whom have the accounting background, are at the base. The prevalent system of cash transaction and most of the black money being involved in realty sector and hospitality industry needs to be brought within the system for tax purposes.
Yours etc.,
Vinod C. Dixit
Ahmedabad – 15
Money: ticket to salvation or damnation
It may not take long for one to understand that money could be the root of all evils but it certainly takes sustained effort to come out of its evil effect. Well, the excessive greed to stockpile riches has often blinded many and thus prompted them to do what they should not do at all – trading the soul for a wad of cash which has become too commonplace in modern times. Is it not weird that people keep hoarding the black money, a tiny fraction of which they cannot even use in their lifetime? But, the very efforts and tricks in amassing it only contribute to corrupt their minds, corrupt their family and finally corrupt their nation. Going by reports, unlike other small denominations, Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 banknotes were not just kissed and stashed away but also duplicated and discreetly used for a range of illegal and anti-national activities. Indeed, hoarding black money has immeasurably affected the country’s economy. We have an endless list of scams that have virtually slowed down the developmental plans and missions in the country and created a huge gap between the rich and the poor! Yes, it finally took the boldness of PM Modi, a poor chaiwala from Vadnagar of Gujarat, to pronounce this epoch-making decision to ban these two giant notes. The clear-headed public, leaders, economists et al are well convinced that this masterstroke by PM Modi is effectively capable of weeding out corruption from the country. But these white truths are now being smothered by the blanket of black lies. Many opposition leaders are scrambling to misinterpret that the demonetization of currencies is an ill-conceived move by the present government which leads to more chaos in the society. Why can’t these leaders understand that in order to treat a chronic illness we need to bear some pain initially? A diseased person is required to do a series of tests, maybe major surgeries even. After only following the prescribed medical steps one can expect that his chronic malady will be cured and he will become healthy. Therefore, the demonetizing of bigger banknotes is sensibly deemed as one of the remedies to treat the country afflicted with the money hoarding syndrome. What is unfortunate is that the previous successive governments, instead of addressing this issue, only contributed to aggravate the situation by even being the party to this evil jamboree. No wonder, many of the business tycoons and leaders have chosen to treasure up their fortunes in the banks abroad. They found the country’s banks not strong enough to safeguard their loot. Does it not look as if they all have to be monetarily well-armed before they take off from this mortal world? For such people the virtues and good deeds on this earth don’t matter but it is the truckload of booty that can help them buy their tickets for salvation into heaven, Amen!
Yours etc.,
Salil Gewali,