Monday, March 10, 2025

Can we be more eco-responsible ?


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I was glad to have participated in the Seng Kynthei (Zone 2) first annual convention at Cathedral Ground on 29th January this year. The theme they selected this year was “For the Earth and all that is in it is his” (Psalm 24:1). My sincere appreciation to the Seng Kynthei for having come up with this important global issue, namely, concern and care for the Earth. A lot of discussion took place during the three days of the convention on this topic. It is encouraging to see that the Mothers’ Association of the Catholic Church has taken note of this vital issue which is affecting every life on earth. During the gathering a great awareness was created among the participants of the urgent need to consider ourselves as “stewards” and not “masters” of creation. The implication is that we have no right to destroy God’s creation or to exploit it but instead we are given the responsibility to look after it and care for it.

Considering the fact that environmental degradation in the form of air, land and water pollution, deforestation, surface disfiguration etc, is rampant in our State and in our city in particular, this awareness is of utmost significance. We are constant witnesses of the havoc done to Mother Nature by man’s irresponsible and insensitive behaviour. Shillong city itself is gradually transforming into a garbage city. Our roadsides are becoming places where city filth is dumped by some individuals who think that they are acting smart by not being caught in the act. Little do they realize that such an act is self destructive because it hurts the very planet in which they live and it will spell disaster for their posterity. What kind of Shillong do they want to leave for their children and grand children, is the question that these individuals should ask themselves before they commit such an ecological sin.

The Seng Kynthei which has taken good resolutions during the convention will do well if they implement them. I do hope that other groups will emulate their example and come forward to join this noble cause of saving God’s creation. However, this duty is not only theirs but it is of everyone of us. Can we become more eco-responsible? As Pope Francis would say “can we learn to listen to the groaning of Mother Earth?” and stop hurting her because she is our mother who supports our existence.

Barnes Mawrie sdb,

Via email

Don’t abuse political privileges


Meghalaya is in the thick of things with corruption scandals, human trafficking etc. The list goes on and now adding to this enormous list we have political sexual perversion. The case of Julius Dorphang will fade into oblivion unless the Home Minister leaves his post and allows the police investigation to go on without applying any “Home-made” tactics. Obviously, he keeps on stating that he has no hand in the entire episode but there’s more that meets the eye. What has compounded our problem is the resignation of the former Governor of Meghalaya, V.Shanmuganathan on alleged sexual exploitation, harassment, abuse of position and injustice. Here too the BJP is awaiting the result of the investigations into the Mawhati MLA’s case. Like I had earlier said, certain politicians have stooped to the lowest levels putting the state in a very bad light. What is astonishing is the both the Congress and BJP are having a duel over the cases and trying to dissect as who is more guilty of the three – the former Governor, the MLA of Mawhati or the present Home Minister who has failed to relinquish his post. The authorities in power do not seem interested in bringing justice and equality of law and would rather love to use and abuse the Constitutional and political privileges to meet their ends. What a great state we have inherited!

Yours etc…
Dominic S. Wankhar

A slur on the RSS


Apropos the letter in your paper (ST Jan 30, 2017) captioned “A matter of shame”, the office of Governor has indeed earned a bad name The outgoing Governor who happens to be a RSS member has not only defamed the position of Governor but his misdeeds have maligned the dignity of every Meghalayan.  This issue also raises questions about the RSS, which makes tall claims about their spirit of sacrifice and discipline.  If this is the behaviour of a Pracharak turned Governor (according to news reports) then the people of the state should be more cautious about their activities.

Yours etc.,

Wandonhok Kharsati,

Via email

Trump antogonises all


 The 45th president of the USA, Donald Trump has terrified many by his arbitrary actions after assuming office. Lots of filthy facts had been brought out about him by the proactive media long before the US presidential election. Perhaps no previous presidents have so openly and so aggressively been challenged and belittled than Donald Trump. He owes his sharp rise in the number of enemies to his sharp tongue. Despite being an old sinner, his strong will power, perseverance and a slew of downsides of the arch-rival — Hillary Clinton finally helped Trump emerge triumphantly in the election.

Unlike his predecessors, Trump now has many tough hurdles to scale. Clearly lacking the diplomatic acumen of Barack Obama, Trump might experience unexpected political rough patches that might prove detrimental to the American citizenry. This might again upset the world-relationship equation which is already quite noticeable. Obama, though allegedly soft on the formidable ISIS and others, never failed to be endearing to the majority of the world’s population. Thanks to his shrewd oratory skill.

              What is so ominously perceived at present is that the embattled president is besieged by women’s groups. They are determinedly prepared to hammer their points to show their president’s ugly face. Mr. Trump’s sexist comments on women, coupled with his past infamous misdemeanors have indeed added fueled to women’s movement for justice. A day after the presidential inauguration, there was a world-wide protest by women activists and actors, celebrities, et al. His sudden ban on travelers from seven Muslim-majority nations have already triggered a global alarm.

 The media in general is adversarial to Trump. The day he assumed office Trump warned a section of the media for carrying fake news. He sees the media as a stumbling block to his efforts to restore amity and peace and squarely blames it for spreading lies and distorting facts. We can only hope that Trump himself exercises some restraint and does not antagonize half of the world’s governments by his indiscretions.

Yours etc.,

Salil Gewali,

Via email  



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