NEW DELHI: The Madhya Pradesh cyber cell and local police there arrested a 24-year-old man in Bhopal on Thursday for running an online inter-state sex racket. The accused was absconding for the last two months and was carrying a reward on his arrest. Four girls, including one from Meghalaya, were earlier rescued from his clutches.
Veer Dwivedi of Satna district was hiding in various places before finally getting caught. He stayed in an ashram near Shirdi Temple in Maharashtra where he used to get free food. After that he came to Indore where he worked in a construction company in Vijaynagar area for some time.
A few days ago he came to Bhopal where he was rounded up, police said. During interrogation he said five years ago he came to Bhopal in search of job and after putting some efforts in it he got one in a city hotel and eventually worked as manager in at least three or four hotels.
During his stint as hotel manager he used to make arrangements for couples against the rule of the hotel. He later started a sex-racket after which he made the website from Delhi and started running the racket in Bhopal luring jobless girls from other states by promising them jobs in Madhya Pradesh.
The police booked him under relevant sections of IPC and IT Act after which he was presented before the local court. Even at the time of writing this news the offending website was still on the web.
On May 19, the state cyber cell busted an inter-state sex racket with the arrest of nine men, including media in-charge of SC/ST cell of state BJP Neeraj Shakya, who were allegedly involved in running the racket from a flat in the city’s posh colony.
The police had also claimed to have rescued four girls, including two from Maharashtra, one from Meghalaya and another from Madhya Pradesh.
The accused lured girls by promising jobs.
The sex racket operators used to contact the through the website where they put their contact numbers. Once the customers contacted on the number, the accused sent them the photographs of the girls on their mobile phones through Whatsapp.
After a deal was fixed the operators would then make arrangements for them in luxurious hotels after taking payment from them, said the police.