New Delhi: A woman, who claims to be the biological daughter of late Sanjay Gandhi, today moved the Supreme Court seeking a stay on the release of the movie ‘Indu Sarkar’. The movie is scheduled to be released this Friday. The counsel appearing for the petitioner mentioned the matter before a three-judge bench headed by Justice Dipak Misra and alleged that the Madhur Bhandarkar-directed movie is “full of concocted facts and is totally derogatory”. The bench also comprising Justices Amitava Roy and A M Khanwilkar refused to give a date for hearing the plea. “You give your memo. We will see to it. We are not giving any date,” the bench said. Petitioner Priya Singh Paul’s counsel alleged in the court that the movie contains “derogatory facts” to malign the image of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The counsel told that the movie was scheduled to hit the screens on July 28 and they are seeking a stay on its release. The plea has challenged the July 24 order of the Bombay High Court dismissing her plea to stay the release of the movie. The high court had said that the petitioner had not made out any case for the court to interfere and stay release of the movie after the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) already granted certificate to the movie. The Bombay High Court had also noted that no acknowledged descendant of Sanjay Gandhi has raised objection to the film. PTI