In a Rajya Sabha debate, India’s External Affairs Minister, Sushma Swaraj once again stressed the need for diplomacy to resolve the Doklam crisis embittering relations between India and China. She said that there was a need for dialogue as China contributed to India’s economic growth and is its major economic partner. She may not be popular in a climate of jingoism. However, there is no denying that China and India should not undermine economic ties over prestige issues. The interests of billions of people depend on peace. Russia, China and India have a shared responsibility to shape the security architecture in Asia. Former Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee highlighted the importance of creating such a troika. But the continuance of the dispute over Doklam dashes hopes of addressing the complex conflict over hydro-carbons, water and wealth. Swaraj may have antagonized the hawks in the NDA. But it demonstrates the sagacity of Indian leadership.
The debate in the Rajya Sabha cast doubts on the direction of India’s foreign policy. The Congress has blamed Prime Minister Narendra Modi for leaving India’s borders with China vulnerable. Swaraj said that while Jawaharlal Nehru enhanced his personal image, Modi has enhanced the national image through his initiatives. Crisis erupted also during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s time. Of course, Nehru’s nationalism is above all criticism. But the world has transformed. Foreign policy needs a core of political consensus over India’s interest. It is significant that the Chinese Consul General in Kolkata has also referred to India’s shared interests with China which far outweigh differences.