TURA: Tura Lok Sabha MP, Conrad K Sangma, called on the new Railway minister of India, Piyush Goyal, on Wednesday at the Rail Bhawan headquarters in New Delhi, and congratulated him for taking over as the new Minister in charge Railways.
In his interaction with the Railway minister, the Tura MP urged the Railway minister to make provision for a railway track in the proposed Dhubri to Phulbari bridge project.
“During our discussion I informed the Railway minister that since the bridge was coming up for vehicles, funded under JICA, a provision for future expansion for railways would ensure better utility of the investment and infrastructure being put up. The minister assured that he would look into the matter and try to find a solution,” said the Tura MP.
Sangma expressed optimism that under Goyal’s leadership the Railways in India would achieve greater heights in safety and overall connectivity particularly in areas like the North East which are yet to be well connected.
The Tura MP also briefed the Minister about the Mendipathar Railway station and the service which was running to and from the station and how it had economically impacted the lives of the local people in and around the region.
Conrad Sangma also urged upon the new railway minister to take up more projects in the region which would improve the rail connectivity and make a difference in the lives of the people.