Thane, Nov 6 (PTI) On the occasion of her 44th birthday, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan donated free meals for 1,000 children for a year under a mid-day meal programme. Aishwarya, who turned 44 on November 1, sponsored free meals for 1,000 students for a year under a mid-day meal scheme run by the Annamrita Foundation that is set up by the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). The mid-day meal scheme, called Annamrita, reaches out to nearly 500 municipal schools in and around Mumbai along with over 2,000 schools in Maharashtra with heavy nutritious meals, ISKCON spiritual leader Radhanath Swami Maharaj said in a release. “The scheme, which started in 2004 from a small room with meals being prepared for just 900 children, today serves meals to 12 lakh children across seven states in India. Through 20 hi-tech kitchens, Annamrita reaches out to nearly 500 municipal schools in and around Mumbai along with over 2,000 schools in Maharashtra with heavy nutritious meals,” he added. PTI