Your column of 3rd November on patronage politics via MLA LAD funds was timely. As always, we are thankful to you for flagging the issue of deep-seated corruption in Meghalaya made possible by unbridled misuse of MLA funds. A brazen Rs 10 crore in five years is a lot of money in the hands of an elected representative to squander. Worse, they bully the officers and underlings to fall in line with their whims and fancies. The system has become totally rotten. There has to be a complete overhaul of the system. The critical question is who is going to bell the cat? Many in Meghalaya who are great admirers of Modi’s inspired leadership and back his crusade against corruption, had hopes that perhaps BJP would do the trick. But one is dismayed by the way the State BJP is working at cross purposes—just to win a few seats here and there. Indeed we sincerely appreciate Prime Minister Modi’s indomitable courage of conviction about rooting out corruption from the country. While we stand rock solid behind him in this arduous mission, we are greatly disturbed by some of the ominous portents when it comes to BJP’s quest for power in Meghalaya. For the coming February election, the party leaders in their attempt to gain a foothold in the Assembly (where there is none at the moment), have mindlessly sacrificed the core component of Modi’s battle against corruption and good governance. Today, we see the State BJP leaders trying to rope in all kinds of undesirable elements for grabbing power.
Take the example of the 19-South Shillong Constituency where the tainted sitting MLA who is known for large scale corruption, swindling of MLA funds, besides being a known dubious character, is being projected as the party’s candidate. This person, it is apt to mention here, was responsible for fomenting communal riot in Shillong in 1992. Despite appeals from various quarters, these elements refused to withdraw the call for road blockade during Durga Puja festival. This led to the loss of nearly 40 precious lives. He was detained by the State Government under Meghalaya Preventive Detention Ordination and was jailed for six months in Assam. I hope, therefore, that the Prime Minister’s crusade against corruption and good governance is not sacrificed for achieving petty political gains. The BJP should make sure that the ends and means are not lost sight of. The temptation to gain power through dubious means will not only have a negative impact on the election prospects of the BJP but also cast aspersions on Modi’s own image.
Yours etc.,
Case of blatant corruption!
As a discerning reader of your esteemed daily, I am amazed by certain intriguing news items appearing in recent weeks. I refer in particular to the RTI expose of misuse of MLA funds in 19-South Shillong Constituency. The RTI applicant is a political rival of the sitting MLA and therefore it is no surprise that he has bravely gone to town with his findings. That he has chosen to do so now with barely a hundred days before the election has a lot to do with electoral politics. Be that as it may, we cannot fight shy of the fact that all is fair in love, war and politics! Having said that, let me add that most people in the constituency had half expected this kind of exposes to embarrass the sitting MLA. Frankly, we sub-consciously knew that all these must have been occurring behind our back. The RTI findings tell their own story based on official records as furnished by the Government. Therefore, there can be no counter-argument about the authenticity of the beans spilled by the RTI applicant. I am not amazed at all these sordid developments. What hits me is the fact that he has cleverly selected a bogus firm to supply materials ranging from sand to computers. This firm, we are told, belongs to a person based at Sohra. It is obviously a plot for siphoning off money made available to the MLA. But what takes the cake is that the entire transaction between this firm and the MLA has taken place in cash. This is a clear evidence that things have been manipulated. Indeed, the government has put a ban on cash transactions beyond Rs 20,000. In this case, how on earth did the MLA pay as high as Rs 34 lakh in cash? The MLA’s attempt to defend the indefensible through a press conference to clear his name has compounded his case. Instead of providing documentary evidence to counter the charges brought forth by his political rival, he has chosen to duck under the cover of polemics. To say that the RTI findings are political may be right, but to dismiss them as wrong and incorrect only help to thicken the air of suspicion that hangs heavy in the constituency. To us, his brave front is an eye wash and it simply cuts no ice.
In this situation, the Government should consider suspending further release of MLA funds to all MLAs against whom there are serious charges of corruption and misuse of public money. It is unlikely that the Government of the day will accede to the plea of the RTI applicant for an official enquiry into these allegations, given the fact that the MLA concerned is an ally of the ruling group. However, the Chief Vigilance Commissioner may act suo-motu for the sake of ending this corruption raj.
Yours etc.,
Name withheld on request.