Results of the special class X examination, as per the direction of the High Court have been declared on Thursday. Candidates can collect their mark sheets and certificates from the MBoSE office, here.
Dry day
The Deputy Commissioner of Excise, East Khasi Hills has declared December 25 and January 1, 2018 to be dry days on account of Christmas and New Year in the entire district.
Around 26 participants attended the one-day workshop to train functionaries of the CSCs on online admissions and student support services for IGNOU students that was held on here on Wednesday.
BJP general secretary Bashailang Khongwir wished the people of the state a Merry Christmas and a happy new year in advance. He also thanked the people for their support during the Prime Minister’s visit.
The general meeting of The Meghalaya Upper Primary School Teachers Association (MUPSTA) Ri-Bhoi will be held at Nepalu UP School, Nongpoh on Friday at 10:30 am.