Chennai: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami on Monday said the Thoothukudi police are arresting only those persons who indulged in arson and violence on May 22.
Speaking in the assembly, he noted that Tamil Nadu “is the only state witnessing large number of protests in the country” and “protection is given to the people to such an extent”.
Palaniswami said permission and protection is given to genuine protestors who want to serve the people or secure their rights from the government.
He said there are sufficient photographic evidence about anti-social elements throwing petrol bombs, setting vehicles on fire and carrying logs during the May 22 protests by the anti-Sterlite Copper smelter plant movement members in Thoothukudi.
“We are showing such persons as anti-social elements and not the general public,” Palaniswami said.
He said police are arresting those anti-social elements only with proper evidence.
He also assured the House that action will be taken against those officials who were wrong, based on the report and recommendations of the one-person inquiry commission headed by retired High Court Judge into May 22 violence in Thoothukudi.
In a statement, Palaniswami announced a solatium of Rs 10 lakh to the family of Valliammal who died due to burn injuries in a hospital after the bus in which she was travelling was set on fire on May 25 by some anti-social elements.
Valliammal was admitted to a hospital and died on May 31.
Palaniswami said the bus was set on fire following the violence and police firing in Thoothukudi on May 22.(IANS)