Hollywood star Will Smith showed some bhangra moves as he spoke about having a Bollywood dance
sequence on his bucket list, while also opening up on his childhood, struggle as an artiste, dealing with failure and setting the goal for himself to be the best movie star in the world. Smith, an Academy Award nominee and Grammy Award winner who has had a diverse career across films, television and records, was in conversation with Bollywood actor-singer-filmmaker Farhan Akhtar at the 16th Hindustan Times Leadership Summit here on Saturday. Farhan taught Smith some bhangra moves, which the Independence Day actor proudly showed off to the audience at the summit.”One of the things on my bucket list is to be on a Bollywood dance sequence,” he said as he recounted meeting former Miss World Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 15 years ago and their conversation about doing something together. “But it never happened. Perhaps I would do a film with her,” added Smith, who finds the contrast in India “beautiful”. “On any street corner you could cross a thousand years. There could be someone on a brand new cellphone and someone on a cart. The intermingling of the ages and the lifestyle is amazing.” On the big screen, Smith has regaled cine-goers with movies like “Hitch”, “I am Legend”, “I, Robot”, and “Men in Black I, II, & III”. He even featured in the recent Netflix film “Bright”. Music is what first set the pace for Smith’s career in showbiz. “Pop music started in the US in late 70s. I was 12 years old when I took to rap music. First time I heard rap, I knew I had to do it. I had to do it because I knew my parents won’t like it,” Smith said. (IANS)