GUWAHATI: Aaranyak’s Tiger Research and Conservation Division (TRCD) in collaboration with Directorate,Manas Tiger Reserve is going to organise a 5-day intensive hands on training that offers practical use of different methods for estimating population and density of terrestrial mammals for applied wildlife research and conservation.
The training will be held during November 5 to 11, 2018 (five full days plus two days travel) in Manas National Park. This short term training course will provide theoretical background and more on hands on training on the use of camera trap technique and line transect method to estimate population abundance of terrestrial mammals. This training will include latest programs and tool for camera trapping data visualization, interpretation, and basic analysis.
Basic exposures to Distance sampling and other relevant sampling methods will be provided. Participants will also learn the use of mapping software (QGIS and Google Earth), field navigation devices (GPS, map reading), carnivores and herbivores signs. The entire training will focus on best field and in-house practices of the above mentioned tools. For details , one has to log onto the following