New Delhi: CBI’s Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Devender Kumar, arrested in connection with bribery allegations involving the agency’s Special Director Rakesh Asthana, moved a bail application before a court here Monday.
Special CBI Judge Santosh Snehi Mann fixed the matter for hearing on Tuesday, when Kumar will be produced before the court on the expiry of his seven-day CBI custody granted by the court earlier.
In his bail application, moved by advocate Rahul Tyagi, Kumar termed his custody “illegal” and urged the court to set him free.
The application also said Kumar was ready to abide by the conditions imposed by the court while granting him bail.
It claimed that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) sleuths did not have valid search warrants when they raided Kumar’s office and residence.
His eight mobile phones, an iPad and his son’s laptop were seized, the plea said, seeking a direction to the agency to release these articles. Kumar and Asthana have already challenged the legality of the FIR filed against them.
Besides them, two alleged middlemen — Manoj Prasad and Somesh Prasad — have also been named as accused in the case.
The agency had earlier told the court that Kumar had tried to fabricate evidence during the investigation in another case.
Kumar had claimed that he was falsely implicated in the case and that he was a victim of rivalry among the senior officers of the central probe agency. If convicted, the accused may get a maximum 10-year jail term in the case. (PTI)