New Delhi: The NIA on Monday produced before a Delhi court 10 people arrested on suspicion of being members of an ISIS-inspired group who were allegedly planning suicide attacks and serial blasts, targeting politicians as also government installations, in Delhi and other parts of north India. The National Investigation Agency produced the accused, who were in its custody, before Special Judge Rakesh Syal. The court had on December 27 sent them to NIA custody for 10 days which is scheduled to expire tomorrow. They were arrested on December 26 after NIA carried out searches, in coordination with Special cell of Delhi Police and Anti-Terrorism Squad of Uttar Pradesh Police, at six places in Jafrabad, Seelampur in Delhi, and 11 places in Uttar Pradesh – six in Amroha, two in Lucknow, two in Hapur and two in Meerut. (PTI)