I am writing this letter to draw the attention of the members of the Bakur Village Dorbar Shnong, Dawki, Amlarem Sub Division, West Jaintia hills to the footpath connecting Jowai- Amlarem- Dawki road near St Francis de Sales School and ending at Iew Bakur. This footpath has been in existence since long and is being used by all irrespective of their socio-economic status. Recently the owner of a plot at the highest end through which a portion of the footpath passes, intends to divert the footpath by constructing an elevated RCC footpath. The problem here is that the foundation of the elevated footpath is directly erected on the bedrock right on the middle of the stretch of the stream. By doing so he is illegally encroaching on the small stream passing alongside the footpath. The foundation will be constantly hit by the flow of the water during the peak monsoon season thus weakening the foundation and also hampering the smooth flow of water. The construction of this elevated footpath is posing a great threat to the life of commuters and especially school-going children who use this footpath daily, since the force of nature cannot be predicted. If God forbid some life might be loss if the elevated footpath cannot withstand the force of nature then who will be held accountable? As a concerned individual I request the Dorbar Shnong Bakur, to look into this life-threatening situation seriously so that tragedy is averted in the near future. I also request the Sub divisional Officer, Civil, Amlarem to kindly look into the matter for the welfare and safety of the school children.
Yours etc.,
Skhem Lamin,
Dawki, West Jaintia Hills
Whither Harijan Colony?
It is very sad and unfortunate that the issue of shifting the Harijan Colony has died down or forgotten altogether. In fact the issue of shifting the Mazhabi Sikh employees of the Shillong Municipality from the present location at Mawlong Hat to the present complex that houses the Shillong Municipal Office should have taken place long ago but for the past spineless Congress government. In fact, the alternative location is ideally suited for them. Those Harijans who are not employees of the SMB and settled in Mawlong Hat Colony are illegal settlers and ought to be evicted forthwith. They should settle elsewhere because the present location belongs to the Government. In fact even this MDA government is spineless. Where is the HLC that was supposed to deliberate on the issue of the Harijan Colony? Is it defunct or is it still alive? Why does it take so long to settle this minor issue of shifting the legal employees of the SMB?
Yours etc.,
Philip Marwein,
Via email
Children sexually abused
Minor girls and women have reportedly been subjected to prolonged sexual abuse, mostly at the hands of powerful men in shelter homes in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. It is a shame that child shelter homes at Muzaffarpur in Bihar and at Deoria in Uttar Pradesh have been used for sexual exploitation of children. Surprisingly, adverse reports on those shelter homes had allegedly been ignored. While the Muzaffarpur Social Welfare Department had given an adverse report on the shelter home, the Deoria shelter home continued to flourish even after the suspension of its license.
Be it cruel exploitation of children in shelter homes or callous attitude in controlling those homes or engaging children in labour or keeping millions of children hungry in our country and thus making their growth stunted forever, everywhere we fail our children. Children do not have voting rights. But if political leaders keep on neglecting our future citizens, then India will become stunted and traumatized. How can a country be strong if its children are malnourished, stunted, unskilled and traumatized?
Yours etc.,
Sujit De,
Via email