SHILLONG: The CBI on Sunday questioned Kolkata Police Commissioner Rajeev Kumar and former Trinamool Congress Rajya Sabha MP Kunal Ghosh for about 12 hours separately and together in connection with the Saradha chit fund case at its office here.
For Kumar, it was the second day of questioning while Ghosh was interrogated for the first time on Sunday.
The questioning started around 10.30 am.
Sources said Kumar and Ghosh were questioned separately initially, but were brought face to face later in the later stages.
The questioning is being carried out here on the directive of the Supreme Court as it wanted a neutral venue after the stand-off between the CBI and Kolkata Police in Kolkata earlier.
Ghosh, who was arrested by the SIT in connection with the case in 2013 and had spent about three years in jail, had earlier levelled various allegations against Kumar, who was then part of SIT. The CBI had received a 91-page letter from Ghosh to the Enforcement Directorate with details about the role of Kumar in handling the scam.
Kumar is being questioned on matters related to the investigation conducted by the SIT. The CBI has alleged that Kumar had tampered with and withheld certain evidence gathered during the course of the SIT investigation.
Ghosh is also up for questioning in the Rose Valley chit fund case.
The CBI would continue questioning of the duo on Monday.
Ghosh, before entering the CBI office in the morning, told a group of reporters waiting outside, “I have no comments. I have cooperated with the investigating agency all along. I was asked to come, so I am here,” he said.
Ghosh also offered prayers to Goddess Saraswati at a community puja in Oakland, about a hundred metres from the CBI office before reporting for the questioning.