TURA: Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Thursday inaugurated the Selsella Distribution Sub-Division at the Multi Facility Centre Building in Selsella in the presence of Meghalaya Power Minister, James K Sangma, Chief Executive Member, Garo Hills Autonomous District Council, Dipul R Marak, Government Chief Whip, Marcuise Marak, Co-Chairman, State Planning Board, Benedic Marak and other distinguished dignitaries.
The function was organised by Meghalaya Power Distribution Corporation Limited.
It may be mentioned that the Selsella Sub-Division Office of MePDCL has been carved out from Phulbari and Garobhadha Sub-Division for better power supply, maintenance and payment of bills. The office is being temporary functioning from Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra Building, Selsella.
In his inaugural speech, Chief Minister Conrad Sangma congratulated the Minister, In-charge Power and the officers and staff of MeECL for their dedicated work in serving the people of the region within short notice and for immediate functioning of the office which would immensely benefit the people as they could pay their bills now here at this office and other related works which otherwise had to travel long distance either to Phulbari or Garobhada. Moreover, he said that this would help in providing better power supply to the people in the area and would benefit the people in general.
Expressing his gratitude to the people of Selsella, he said “ Even though I am not the elected representative, still I belong to the people of this area since I started my political career from this constituency and I will try my best to develop this region in whatever way I can”, he added.
Further, he informed that the government was committed to work for the progress and prosperity of the people and is prioritising the education sector as well as health sector and would provide basic health care facilities to the people of the region.
Speaking on the occasion, Meghalaya Power Minister, James K Sangma said that electricity was the most essential requirement in our lives today and hence the need arose to provide better electricity facilities to the people of the area. He informed that there were many electricity consumers in the area and many a times there were complaints of snapping of electricity lines, burning of transformers which take some time to rectify as there was no permanent office in the area and therefore, setting up the permanent office here was the only solution to solve all these problems in future, he added.
Other who spoke on the occasion were Chief Executive Member, Garo Hills Autonomous District Council, Dipul R Marak, Chairman cum Managing Director, MeECL, Meghalaya Shillong, E Nongrum, Chief Engineer Distribution, MePDCL, Meghalaya Shillong B R Chen, among others.