TURA: In the light of repeated use of social media by unscrupulous elements to incite hate, the Returning Officer for Tura Lok Sabha constituency, Ram Singh, has issued an order warning of stern action against social media users who put up posts and comments that may incite communal hatred.
“Sharing, spreading, comments, posts or messages of communal nature and contents inciting hatred among public using any type of medium, including social media, is not only prohibited, but punishable under appropriate sections of the IPC and IT Act,” warned the order issued by the Returning Officer on Monday.
The decision to issue a stern warning was apparently taken in the light of the use of social media apps by certain people to spread false reports and upload videos to create differences among communities and spread fear psychosis among the general public.
One social media comment that came under the radar of the authorities was allegedly a statement made by an individual in the plains belt region asking people to vote for a particular party to encourage illegal influx from across the border.
“All are requested to refrain from committing such action in order to facilitate free and fair election, and for maintenance of peace, communal harmony and normal law and order situation in the region,” stated the Returning Officer.