Actor John Cusack will star in a series regular role as Dr. Kevin Christie in upcoming show Uto
pia. In the Amazon series Utopia, a group of young adults who meet online are mercilessly hunted by a shadowy deep state organisation after they come into possession of a near-mythical cult underground graphic novel. They discover the conspiracy theories in the comic’s pages may actually be real and are forced into the dangerous, unique and ironic position of saving the world. Cusack will play Christie, a charismatic, media-savvy and brilliant biotech mind who wants to change the world through science. He is the latest addition to the cast, after Rainn Wilson joined the project to play Michael Stearns and Sasha Lane is set to portray Jessica Hyde. Utopia marks Cusack’s first starring role in a TV series. He is widely known for his roles in films like Say Anything and High Fidelity. (IANS)