Actress Deepika Padukone, who made a grand apActress Deepika Padukone, who made a grand ap pearance in her Barbie avatar at Met Gala 2019, almost fell on her dress while she sipped on some wine in a hotel lobby. A video from behind the scenes of the gala was posted online by a fan page and shows the actress turning around in a hotel lobby as few people help her with her Zac Posen long pink strapless gown’s train. And then she almost trips, before regaining control and avoids the fall. She held a glass of red wine, which she sipped on with a straw. Deepika chose a metallic pink lurex jacquard gown embellished with 3D printed pieces meant to resemble embroidery. This year’s Met Gala theme was ‘Camp: Notes on Fashion’, inspired by a seminal 1964 essay by Susan Sontag in which she describes the phenomenon as something that shan’t be talked about: “To talk about Camp is therefore to betray it.” The theme was the basis for the Costume Institute’s spring exhibition. (IANS)