One soldier killed, 7 injured in blast during training activity
Jammu: An Army man was killed and seven others were injured in a blast during a “training activity” along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch district on Wednesday, officials said.”On Wednesday at 0915 hours, during a training activity on a military post in Mendhar sector, one soldier was critically injured and later succumbed to injuries”, a Defence public relation officer said. Seven others suffered minor injuries and two of them were taken to the nearest military hospital. Their condition is stable, the officials said. The incident took place at the Dhera Dabsi forward post of the 12 Madras Regiment, they said. (PTI)
No five star accommodation for MPs of 17th Lok Sabha
New Delhi: Unlike the past, the new members of the 17th Lok Sabha will not get accommodation in five star hotels but will be put up in the Western Court premises of Delhi and bhavans of various states. “Around 300 rooms have been arranged along with other extensive facilities to render all possible assistance to the Members of Parliament (MPs) so that they do not face any inconvenience when they arrive in the national capital,” Lok Sabha Secretary General Snehlata Shrivastava told reporters here on Wednesday. “The newly-elected members will be accommodated in the Western Court and its newly-built Annexe and various state bhavans. Thus, the Lok Sabha Secretariat has done away with the system of transit accommodation in hotels,” she said. (IANS)
Gujarat: Thirsty crocodile crawls into house kitchen
Vadodara: Radhaben Gohil, a resident of Raval village near here in Gujarat, says she is a hospitable woman but had never expected, even in her wildest imaginations, that a crocodile would ever find comfort in her kitchen. The incident occurred early this morning when Gohil’s 19-year-old daughter Nimisha, who was sleeping in the backyard of their house, entered the kitchen to fetch a glass of water at around 5 am, Gohil told reporters. “My daughter woke me up and said a crocodile is lying on the floor of the kitchen. I believed her after seeing the reptile, which is around 4.5 feet long, myself” recalled Gohil, adding that the reptile didn’t attack her or her family members. It was trying to drink water from a pot kept inside the kitchen, she said. Meanwhile, villagers rushed to the house of the Gohils after the word spread. Gohil said the door of her house was kept open in the night for fresh air, and that the crocodile might have crawled through it to the kitchen. “I don’t know how a crocodile crawled its way to her house,” she said. (PTI)
Indian woman doctor gets Global Asian award
Bengaluru: Bengaluru-based medical doctor Hema Divakar was honoured with the ‘Global Asian of the Year 2018-19’ award in Dubai recently for her yeomen services and contributions to the women’s healthcare ecosystem, in India, said its organiser ‘Asia One’ magazine’s publisher on Tuesday. Hema received the award at the Asian Business & Social Forum 2019 under the ‘In Service of the Society and the Nation’ category from UAE’s Trade Promotion Director Mohammed Naser Hamdan Al Zaabi.”The award is conferred on those who stand out for vision, action and ingenuity and represent contemporary ideas to make global impact,” said the pan-Asian business and news publication in a statement here. Hema is also spearheading a healthcare initiative for the overall well-being of women, with affordable and quality treatment. (IANS)
52-yr-old man rapes Brazilian student in Mumbai
Mumbai: A 52-year-old man running a charitable institution in Mumbai allegedly raped a Brazilian woman who came here to study as part of a youth exchange programme, police said on Wednesday. The accused, Padmakar Nandekar, has been arrested for the alleged incident that took place last month but came to light on Monday when the 19-year-old woman filed a rape complaint against him, a police official said. The woman came to India a few months back and was staying here with Nandekar, who runs a charitable organisation and is also chairman of a residents’ association in Cuffe Parade area of south Mumbai, he said. (PTI)