Reliance Group Chairman Anil Ambani and his wife Tina Ambani visited veteran actor Rishi Kapoor, who is undergoing medical treatment here since last year. The 66-year-old actor posted a photograph of himself along with Anil and Tina, whom he has worked with in the 1980 film Karz. He captioned the image: “How lovely to see my old friends, Tina and Anil. Many congratulations on Anshul’s (son of Anil and Tina) graduation. Thank you both. Neetu missing in picture as she was preparing my dinner.” Several Bollywood stars, including Karan Johar, Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, Deepika Padukone and Anupam Kher have met the veteran actor. (IANS)