Hrithik Roshan-starrer Super 30 has a new release date, finally. It will hit the screens on July 12. Super 30 had earlier landed in a clash with actress Kangana Ranaut’s Mental Hai Kya on July 26, but Hrithik urged the makers of his film to shift its release date to avoid a ‘media circus’. Shibasish Sarkar, Group CEO, Reliance Entertainment, which has backed the film, tweeted: “Super 30 now on July 12, 2019.” The film has been getting delayed for one reason or another. Earlier, Super 30 was to release on January 25, the same date as Kangana’s Manikarnika: The Queen Of Jhansi. Hrithik had then said in a statement: “So as to not allow my film to be desecrated by yet another media circus, I have decided to shift the release date of my film Super 30 in order to save myself from the personal trauma and toxic mental violence this would cause. (IANS)