TURA: Meghalaya government is pulling out all stops to ensure the state touches it’s goal of planting 1.5 million trees on World Environment Day (WED), this year.Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, through his Twitter post on Friday, revealed that already 9.45 lakh pits have already been dug to plant a variety of trees during celebration of the special environmental day on Wednesday.”Our Target is 1.5 million trees; 5 days to go, and I am sure the target will be achieved with active participation and support from the citizens of Meghalaya,” tweeted the chief minister confidently.He has appealed to the citizens to join the campaign ‘ Meghalaya One Citizen One Tree’ to demonstrate to the world the care for the environment by the people of the state.To preserve the forest cover and water catchment areas that feed the major rivers of Garo Hills, the Rongram Development Block is undertaking a mass tree plantation all along the catchment areas and also for the sensitive Arbella mountain range which has witnessed widespread destruction of it’s forest cover due to jhum cultivation.Barren hills and widespread soil erosion of the Arabella range has resulted in acute water shortage to dozens of villages that lie along it’s route.The villages of Baladinggre, Sakalgre, Kalakgre have recently been selected for agroforestry plantations which will give emphasis on tree plantations and preservation of nature in a big way.Meanwhile, the Chief Minister’s office have issued a communique highlighting the various activities being undertaken for the special day.
Various activities have been planned which includes planting of 1 million trees in 306 spring sheds located across the state by the Soil & Water Conservation Department under the Rejuvenation and Climate Proofing of Spring-sheds for Livelihood, Water and Food Security in Meghalaya funded by the Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change, GOI under National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change through NABARD which is the National Implementing Entity, stated the communique.
All the C&RD Blocks namely 46 blocks will be part of this campaign with the target of 10 villages per Block. Each village will plant 1000 trees bringing it to a total of 4, 60,000 trees. All planting material will be locally sourced either from community run nursery or from village forests.
Another prioritized area of the initiative is to plant trees in the Vulnerable Catchment Areas of Umiew Catchment which forms apart of Greater Shillong Water Supply and Ganol Catchment which also forms a part of the Greater Tura Water Supply proposed for KfW funding an EAP on protection of Vulnerable Catchment Areas. The campaign will mobilize 20 villages each from both catchment areas. Citizens from 20 localities each from Shillong and Tura will also make their way to these villages on World Environment Day to participate in the planting activities.
Avenue trees preferably flowering at different seasons of the year will also be planted along National Highways like Shillong-Nongstoin with the participation of PWD and NHAI. Villagers along the identified stretches have been mobilized to ensure active community participation.
The initiative will also mobilize schools,eco-clubs to be part of the campaign with an aim to plant trees in at least 100 schools per district.
A social media campaign centred around Meghalaya One Citizen One Tree has been launched wherein citizens can register to participate in the mass plantation targeting 1.5 million trees by clicking on the registration form provided on social media platforms.The citizens will then be provided with planting material/ saplings at District and Block levels. Plans to Incentivize surviving trees after 2 years of planting is also being given importance in the campaign.