Pappu Kumar Yadav of Forest Colony lodged a complaint that on July 22 around 3:30 am, two unidentified young boys (as seen through CCTV), broke into his shop and stole two mobile phones valued around Rs. 15,000 and Rs 5,000 in cash.
Sharon Dkhar lodged a complaint that on July 21 around 5 pm, her father Peter Kharkongor (48 yrs) trespassed into her residence at Umpling, Lumdiengmet, and took all the household articles and also assaulted her.
Tipshwa Suchiang lodged a complaint that on July 20 around 6:30 pm, Heimon Suchiang assaulted and also threatened her with dire consequences at Mulum village in West Jaintia Hills.
Riyank Deb of YWCA Hostel lodged a complaint that between July 20 and 22, she applied for a job via online site viz., shine.com and thereafter, received a phone call from one Dipak, who asked her to pay Rs. 1,050 for registration, for which she did so by giving her ATM details. Later, she discovered that Rs. 73,898 has been debited from her bank account without her consent.
Money transferred
Lilyma D Marak of Konagittim in South Garo Hills lodged a complaint that on July 4, her ex-husband Mithen R Marak transferred Rs. 70,000/- from her account at SBI Tikrikilla Branch, West Garo Hills to his account, without her knowledge.