Thane: A 32-year-old man has been arrested from Thane in Maharashtra for allegedly cheating people under the pretext of offering them roles in television serials and movies, police said on Tuesday. The cover of the accused Sandeep Mahadev Vhramble, who also goes by aliases Swapnil Mahajanalias Sandeep Patil, was blown after police received a complaint from Dombivli in Thane district. “The complainant claimed that Vhramble took Rs 11,000 from him by promising him a break in television serials and advertisements, but never got back,” said ACP (Crime) Kisan Gavli. A case was registered against Vhramble and he was arrested after police laid a trap. According to police officials, Vhramble might have been involved in 150 such cases and duped people using this modus operandi since the last six years. He has had several cases registered against him at various police stations in Mumbai, Pune and western Maharashtra. Further probe is underway. (PTI)