GUWAHATI: Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal congratulated the Rajat Kamal Awardees from the state in the 66th National Film Awards 2018 and said that the feat of Rima Das, Manju Borah and Bobby Sarma Baruah who bagged Rajat Kamal awards, is the testimony of Assam’s imposing journey in the field of film making.
He said that the achievement of the trio had made the people of Assam proud and would help to take the celluloid journey of the state altogether to a different height. He also wished all success in their future ventures.
It may be noted that Rima Das bagged Rajat Kamal Award for her film “Bulbul Can Sing” as the best Assamese Film in the category of Best Feature Film in each of the language specified in the Schedule VIII of the Constitution.
Manju Borah bagged Rajat Kamal for her venture “In the land of Poison Women” as the Best Pangchenpa Film in the category of Best Feature Film in each of the languages other than those specified in Schedule VIII of the Constitution.
Bobby Sarma Baruah also received Rajat Kamal in “Mishing” as the best Sherdukpan Film in the same language category.